Changping Village included on the list of beautiful leisure villages

Sep Fri 2023
On August 25, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced the list of beautiful leisure villages in China in 2023. Changping Village of Gaoping Township in Yongshun County was on the list.

In recent years, Changping Village has developed distinctive industries, and achieved an industrial income of 35 million yuan, and a per capita annual net income exceeding 15,000 yuan. The village has been recognized as one of top 100 models of beautiful villages in China and a national civilized village.

You can see small flower gardens, vegetable gardens and orchards in front of or behind every household. The ponds, fruit trees, newly paved asphalt roads, and cultural walls create a charming scene of prosperous industries, well-off life and beautiful village.

“Doing practical things for the village, making the village more beautiful, and improving the lives of the villagers” was the original intention of Li Zongxiao, former village secretary.

Now, the young village cadres carry forward the principle with their actions. They carry out activities like waste management, wastewater treatment, vegetable and flower cultivation to create a beautiful village.

They urge villagers to classify waste, collect garbage at a prescribed time, renovate sewage treatment facilities, and establish sanitary toilets, effectively improving the village’s appearance.

Changping Village strengthens cultural construction, carry out campaigns to change traditional customs, and cultivate a civilized rural atmosphere.

With three farmers’ professional cooperatives, two e-commerce service outlets, more than 7,000 mu (about 466.67 hectares) of kiwis, 820 mu (about 54.67 hectares) of fresh fruits such as peaches and grapes, 200 mu (about 13.33 hectares) of rice-fish farming, and over 80 mu (about 5.33 hectares) of ornamental flowers, Changping has achieved remarkable accomplishments in industrial development.

“The key for village prosperity is to focus on developing the collective economy. We adopt the model of ‘Party branch plus cooperative plus base plus farmer’ to develop characteristic industries and achieve a collective economic income of over one million yuan,” said Peng Kang, secretary of Changping Village.

Convenient transportation, livable environment, and distinctive industries inject continuous vitality into the development of rural tourism. In 2016, led by entrepreneurs like Xiang Tingming, over 40 households collectively invested more than 2 million yuan to build Hourong Ecological Farm, in a bid to create a rural tourism leisure project integrating flower appreciation, water cruise, leisure fishing, and Tujia catering.

“Xiang Tingming has a clear vision for future development. “We need to improve scenic trails, build rural homestay inns, enrich recreational projects and introduce characteristic products to make Changping more beautiful,” he said.
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