Mar Fri 2024

Hangji Village, ideal land in canyons

Hangji Village is located in the southern part of Lyudongshan Town, Baojing County.

Feb Fri 2024

Machong Township makes achievements in construction of beautiful villages

In recent years, Zhushan Village has opened up a new path for the construction of beautiful countryside to empower rural revitalization.

Jan Thu 2024

Zhongzhai Village

Zhongzhai Village is located in the southeast of Morong Town in Guzhang County, at the lower reaches of the Longbi River.

Dec Mon 2023

Xiaoxi Village in Yongshun County

Xiaoxi Village is located in Xiaoxi National Nature Reserve of Yongshun County.

Nov Fri 2023

Zixia Village takes on new look

Zixia Village has embraced the strategy of rural revitalization and taken on a new look.

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