Xiangxi Spring Tea Tasting and Promotion Meeting opens

Mar Fri 2024
The Xiangxi Spring Tea Tasting and Promotion Meeting was held in Huangjin Village, Lyudongshan Town, Baojing County on March 20 after a spring rain.

Tea trees are seen everywhere in the village, with tea fragrance filling the air. “The amino acid content of Baojing Golden Tea is up to 7.47%, which is more than twice that of other green teas in the same period. It’s still in short supply at a price of 1,200 yuan per kg,” said a villager.

Huangjin Village has 2,057 ancient tea trees, which are the only living plant intangible cultural heritage in Hunan Province, and praised by industry experts as a “drinkable cultural relic”.

“Every household in the village grows tea, and everyone knows how to stir fried tea. After planting Baojing Golden Tea, we can earn 200 yuan a day by picking tea, and many locals have purchased houses in the county town by growing and selling tea,” said another local villager.

At the end of 2023, the total area of tea gardens in Baojing County was 155,000 mu (about 10,333 hectares), with a comprehensive output value of 2.316 billion yuan, driving 100,000 people in about 20,000 households to increase income and become prosperous through the tea industry.

A tea making competition was held on the same day, with 14 teams from 8 counties and cities participating.

“Stir frying tea is extremely particular. Golden tea undergoes three rounds of waterremoving, and three rounds of rolling, and the process is more complex than that of other teas from other places. The tea produced has richer flavors,” a representative of Guocha Village team said.

On the right side of the competition venue, a participant of Badouqiu Village, Fenghuang County, confidently promoted their team’s product, “we add pomelo flowers from Changputang Village to the golden tea, which enhances the aroma of the golden tea and increases its brewing times.”

Now, Xiangxi Prefecture has 911,000 mu (about 60,733 hectares) of tea gardens, ranking first in the province in tea planting area, with an annual comprehensive output value of over 9 billion yuan. 600,000 Xiangxi people increase income through the tea industry.
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