Villagers embrace new quality productive forces in Huayuan Town

Apr Mon 2024
In the past few days, villagers in Huayuan Town, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Prefecture have been busy with spring ploughing. The beginning of spring plowing marks the beginning of a new year of agricultural production.

At the QQ Farm base in Dongxiping Village, new farmers are driving plowing machines shuttling in the paddy fields. The village plans to develop the fields into a real grid-like QQ Farm, changing traditional agricultural farming methods and attracting families in urban areas to experience the joy of farming.

The village relies on the advantages of Red resources to expand the industrial chain, build a QQ Farm, develop rural tourism, and form an integrated development model of industry, university and study tours, allowing villagers to increase income by integrating agriculture and tourism through new business formats.

Farmers are busy replanting vegetable seedlings at a courtyard economy base of Wangcheng Village.

Farmers transplant vegetables in time based on their growth situation, and strengthen the classification management of seedlings according to local conditions. They will earn the first barrel of gold at the end of April and in early May.

The base cultivates 10,000 cowpea seedlings this year, covering a total area of 700 mu (about 46.67 hectares) and cowpeas are expected to be sold in May.

In addition, villagers also plant seedlings of such vegetables as bitter gourds, tomatoes and cucumbers in the base, developing new quality productive forces in the agricultural field through high-standard modern industrial projects.

New agricultural machinery, high-quality seedlings and other agricultural technologies have been promoted among farmers, and widely applied in various stages of agricultural cultivation, management and harvest.

New equipment has greatly helped farmers reduce their labor burdens, improve the quality of agricultural development, enhance agricultural production efficiency, and stimulate potentials through agriculture and new quality productive forces.
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