Xiangxi Golden Tea sees good sales

Apr Fri 2024
Recently, the Xiangxi Golden Tea Appreciation and Marketing Event was held in Jishou City, Xiangxi Prefecture, attracting more than 400 people, including representatives from enterprises and institutions, experts, tea merchants and live streamers. A total of 25,280 kg of Xiangxi Golden Tea were sold in this event, with the sales revenue of over 33 million yuan.

During the event, Jishou Supply and Marketing Cooperative signed strategic cooperation agreements worth 38 million yuan with four units.

There was the Xiangxi Golden Tea Tasting Area, the influencers’ livestreaming area and others for visitors to taste and buy Xiangxi golden tea.

The tea appreciation area was bustling with people. More than 40 tea companies and professional cooperatives provided an immersive platform for tea merchants and tea enthusiasts nationwide. An endless stream of tea merchants came here to taste tea and negotiate.

“I have heard of Xiangxi Golden Tea for a long time, and today I finally have the opportunity to taste it. I will buy some and share it with my friends and relatives,” said a visitor from Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

More than ten live streamers have promoted Xiangxi Golden Tea through interaction with viewers in their livestreaming rooms, with the sales reaching over 250,000 yuan in just one day. This helped enhance the popularity of Xiangxi Golden Tea and increase tea sales.
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